“My Stories”

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Opening Reception Thursday, November 7th | 5:30 - 7:30 PM

Chilean fiber artists share their stories and the stories of those who lived under the Pinochet dictatorship. A time that Chileans rarely talk about, funding from CT Humanities enabled City Lights Gallery and these artists to present important personal stories and relevant universal themes. Lead artists/curators are Chilean artist Carlos Biernnay, who has lived and made art in Bridgeport for years, and Paola Figueroa Perez, curator of TP Gallery in Quillota, Chile.

Exhibiting artists are Marcia Saavedra Abarca, Elizabeth Morales Agoni, Paola Valencia Alvarez, Cynthia Araya Davalo, Nancy Mella Jimenez, Lorena Fiqueroa Lara, Rubí Perez Lizana, Esperanza Silva Lopez, Nataly Herrera Martinez, Patricia Aguilar Mieres, Denise Quijada, Mavel Pozo Santibaez, Loreto Silva, Carlos Bautista Biernnay, Paola Figueroa Perez, Liila Knakalova, and Paola Honores Alvarez.

Artists’ statements and informative panels by Chilean historian Pablo Montero, in English and Spanish, support the artists’ visual expressions realized in fiber and textiles, along with QR codes that viewers can download to hear and see the artists talk about their work.   

Award winning filmmaker/videographer Josue Orellana presents a video montage created specifically for this exhibit to contextualize the history and the personal stories depicted. 

When Kachmar proposed this project to the artists, to create art and tell their stories, she was focused on the perspective that the art would serve to inform an international audience. She did not realize the burden of pain and trauma she had asked the artists to revisit. In fact, some artists invited decided not to participate because of the intense memories they would confront. Others embraced it as a cathartic experience, and necessary to share their truth globally. To all of them she extends sincere gratitude.

Art by Denise Quijada

Art by Ruby Perez

Art by Antonella Roja Auda

Art by Carlos Biernnay

Art by Carlos Biernnay

Art by Paola Figueroa