The Color Shop, #33

3295 Fairfield Ave, Bridgeport, CT


Regular Hours:
Monday - Friday, 10am to 4pm, by appt

Having served the Gold Coast area (and beyond) with over 25 years of Decorative Painting in houses + businesses, The Color Shop now brings luxury wall finishes to the Everyday-Home through DIY Finish Kits. Creative Doers can transform their spaces with curated kits, outfitted with every product, tool, and supply needed to install gorgeous textures in their home

Bridgeport Art Trail 2024 Schedule

Friday, November 8 
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM | Open Studio

Open house with professional  tutorials and demonstrations of decorative finish installs.  Visit The Color Shop’s studio and shop during the Bpt Art Trail and experience our DIY community of the decorative painting world. Try your hand at our DIY Finish Kits, see our mock-up room displaying one of our decorative finishes, and even bring the little ones by for some kid-friendly crafting. 

Saturday, November 9 
10:00 AM -  4:00 PM | Open Studio + DIY Tutorials + Hands On Practices

Sunday, November 10 
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM | Open Studio + DIY Tutorials + Hands On Practices