Claude Desir Jr.

My artwork intentionally contains  a lot of symbolism and hidden messages. This is the best way I can communicate my interests in history, politics, culture and education. The blue skin represents the newly printed blue $100 bill. Unlike the other green currency, it's the highest value of a physical dollar in the United States. The $100 bill is a symbol of wealth and abundance.

Millions, billions, trillions of dollars have been made off the backs of the African American slaves and their descendants  for centuries, therefore,  we the people are the money, we are the dollar. This is why I chose to incorporate gold teeth, symbols of prosperity and status. African Americans of slave descent who came from the south to live in the Northeast wore gold teeth with a sense of pride to honor their ancestors from the 1860's who used gold to stop tooth decay.

I reclaim negative connotations and degrading depictions transforming them into imagery of heritage and resilience. For  example, derogatory Jim Crow characterizations of black tar skin and crooked teeth are substituted with vibrant electric blue skin tone and shiny  golden teeth.

My use of historically insulting imagery that promoted negative stereotypes has caused controversy prompting different reactions dependent on one’s history and perspectives. Some feel I am re-appropriating negative imagery; some say I am perpetuating it; others are left irresolute. My intention is to not only start a conversation, but to keep the history alive, to educate future generations for those who are unmindful.